Skills and Knowledge:
JavaScript (Fundamentals, ES6+, DOM):
Python (basic knowledge):
NumberToString Python + Android.apk
ShopingList + Android.apk
Calculator -
Version control: Git/GitHub
QA Manual
Experience in writing test-cases, checklists,
bug-report(Redmine), test-plan.
Introduction to testing WEB, Mobile. SQL basics
WebStorm, VS Code, Atom
Figma(for web development), Photoshop
Some Words About Me:
"Google My Teacher!!!"
At the moment I decided to change my field of activity, I have been working for many years in advertising and printing as a manager. The world of IT has always been interesting, but it seemed inaccessible - all fears are in my head :), you have to learn and code !! And I think everything will work out!
Courses and Experience:
I study it myself, I'm interested in the Front-End Developer and Manual QA direction. Studied programming basics: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL.:
* RS Schools Course «JavaScript/Front-end. Stage 0»;
* RS Schools Course «JavaScript/Front-end. Stage 1»;
* JavaScript on, WebDev Alex Lushchenko,,;
* HTML Academy, Codecademy, WebForMySelf;
* Prometheus - Basics of software testing;
* QAtestlab - FUNDAMENTALS OF TESTING SOFTWARE (Certificate №2364.);
* 'Hamsters' project for joint testing of projects to share experiences. Tested Mobile appl.;
* 'Hamsters' tested web:;
* Tested the CRM system of orders at the place of work.
*English \- Intermediate
*Russian \- Native
*Ukrainian \- Intermediate
Code example:
Move the first letter of each word to the end of it, then add “ay” to the end of the word. Leave punctuation marks untouched. Example pigIt('Pig latin is cool'); // igPay atinlay siay oolcay The returned format must be correct in order to complete this challenge. Don’t forget the space after the closing parentheses!
function pigIt(str){
let strNew = []
str = str.split(' ')
str.forEach( item =>{
if (item.match( (/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]/g))){
else {
+ item.slice(0,1)+'ay')
return strNew.join(' ')