Training layout Eventide from WebForMySelf course. Coding from PSD.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images, Bootstrap.
Training layout Eventide from WebForMySelf course. Coding from PSD.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images, Bootstrap.
Training layout Styletop from WebForMySelf course. Coding from PSD.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images, Bootstrap.
Training layout BarberShop from HTML Academy course. Coding from PSD.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images.
Trying to repeat the site "San Francisco Arts Monthly" "https://www.sfarts.org/"
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images, Bootstrap.
About space...)))
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery/
Trained in creating Landing Pages.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images.
Trained in creating Landing Pages from WebForMySelf course.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images.
Trained in creating site from WebForMySelf course.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images.
Trained in creating site from WebForMySelf course.
Technologies and approaches:
html, css/css3, javascript, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images.